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Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Happy Diwali Friends

int main()
int i,j,k;

cout<<" ";

cout<<" ";

cout<<"\n\t  ";
cout<<" ";

cout<<"   ";


cout<<"   ";
cout<<" APPY\n";


cout<<"\n \t\t\t";
cout<<" ";
cout<<"   ";
cout<<" IWALI.....";


cout<<"\n\t\t\t\t\t.........From\n\t\t\t\t\t\t -ASD";

return 0;

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

How To Block In-App Ads

Guys! Suppose you are playing any game or using any other application while internet connectivity then a lot of ads in footer or header area are shown. This is really annoying and wastes the bandwidth up to some extent.

So, the next question is who to remove those ads. There are basically two methods. The first one is either you buy the app which you never gonna do anyway or you block the ads by blocking proxy which let the apps to connect to the ads network.

Here is demonstrated NoRoot Firewall app for the android platform. There is another app named Droidwall. What makes the difference? NoRoot as the name signifies also works with full functionality on non-routed phones where as Droidwall requires root privileges.

Home Screen is shown firstly when you start the app. This screen has START/STOP control.

Now there are various others tabs which include PENDING ACCESS, APPS, GLOBAL FILTERS, and ACCESS LOGS. Each tab has its own functionality and is/are described below shortly.

It shows all the apps which ping the network. It will ask you to ALLOW or DENY access. If it is a system app then allow the access else tap deny. But wait, if you deny the whole services of that app will be blocked. You only want to block the ads, not the complete internet access. Now what to do? Tap on that particular app and you will see all the proxies which want internet access. If a particular proxy is pinging the ads then block it by double cross sign else allow it.

It shows the list of all the apps which are installed on your devices either it is a system app or post installed ones. If you tap on any particular app you will see Add Custom Filter. This option allows you to allow/deny access to the internet for proxies.

This is most amazing. Here if you add a proxy to Pre-filter then that proxy will be blocked for all apps instead you need to add custom filters for all apps for that proxy.

In this tab, you can monitor all the proxies which one is having access allowed and denied and pending access as well.

1. The more you spend time with something the more you will know about that thing..
2. Your Wi-Fi hotspot might show a limited connection when this firewall is enabled.

Notepad Tricks IV

In this post here below are shown some cool Notepad trick which can be used in your Windows PC.

Open Notepad continually in your friend’s computer Procedure:
Step1: Open Notepad (Press Windows key + r and type notepad and hit Enter).
Step2: Copy and Paste the following text into the notepad window.
@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top

Step 3: Now Save the file as AP.bat (Press Ctrl + s and write the file name as AP.bat and Choose Save as type to All Files)
Step 4: Now if you Double Click on this file to open it, a notepad window will be opened continually many times.

Social Engineering

This is a technique where we use brain rather than tools. We obtain critical information from victim’s ignorance or lack of knowledge.

How a password should be??
A password must be a combination of small letters, block letters, numbers and symbols with a minimum of 12 characters. Most of the time one set his passwords related to his personal life like flowers, actor/actress names, mobile numbers, date of birth, pet name, mother’s or father’s name, lover’s name or common words like 123456 etc.

If your passwords are in this category then it’s very easy to compromise your account within a short time interval. So never set password related to your personal life and make sure to categorise your password into five types.
  • Confidential Password
  • Financial Password
  • Useless Password
  • Average Password
  • Normal Password

Confidential Password:
Is it required for everyone to know what you are chatting at midnights with your personals??? If your answer is “NO” then set confidential passwords to those specific websites like Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo etc. And don’t use those confidential passwords anywhere else.

Financial Password:
Set a very strong password for websites where you do financial transactions and never use that password anywhere else.

Useless, Normal, Average Password:
Based upon the priority of the site set useless, normal, average passwords.

Wrong is always right:

Never set a correct answer for your recovery questions. Always set a wrong answer for it and don’t forget what you set.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

How To Hide Files Behind Image

This technique is called as Stenography. It involves hiding data behind images so that only the intended recipients can read the message being sent. I will show you how to hide files inside a picture file. They are almost undetectable, and can be made very hard to get. You can not only hide files in pictures, but music files, videos, and just about anything else.

There are so many S-tools available to hide data behind images. But here you don't need any tool for this. You will need these things:
1) A picture to hide stuff in
2) Files to be hidden
3) A file compression software (I’m using Winrar)
4) Command Prompt

So here we go.

Step 1: Add the data files to a single .rar file and place a image file in the directory containing the rar file.

Step 2: Open Black Box (Command Prompt). [Press windows key + r. Type cmd and press enter. It will open black box.]

Step 3: Select the Disk Drive by writing drive_name: and peress enter. E.g. desktop: or c: or d:

Step 4: Now type the command copy /b <Image.jpeg> + <File.rar> <New_name.jpeg>. And press enter and its done.

Note: Don't include < > while running the command. These sign(s) are only enclosing a file_name with it's extension.
Now you would like to know how to excess that hidden file.

What you have to do is only to open that image file with winrar. It will open the rar file hidden behind image file.
For that:
1. Right click on image file containing the hidden rar file.
2. Goto Open with and chose Winrar. And the hidden rar file is opened.

Note: Don't make winrar a default program to open that file. Else it will open the hidden rar file whenever you open it by double clicking on it.

How To Unhide Hidden File-Folder On USB

When your folders go missing on your computer or your storage device, or simply created shortcuts in each of them, then they are infected with a virus, actually not a virus. So let's get to know how to get rid of it..

Step 1:
Open the Command Prompt. You can find it under "Accessories" or just search for "CMD" on search bar of your Windows computer.

Step 2:
Find out in what drive of your computer the virus/shortcut are located. Go to My Computer (for Windows 7 or below) or This PC; you'll notice the C, D, E, etc drives.

Step 3:
Go to CMD and type in the commands.

For example, the virus is located in "F" drive, then just type <attrib -h -r -s /s /d f:\*.*, the F beside the D is your drive; simply change it to where drive the virus is located.
  • -h: to unhide all files on drive W
  • -r: create the files in drive W is free of read-only attribute.
  • -s: making all files on drive W to be not part of the system again, so easy in the clear
  • f: w drive
  • *. *: All files ending in
Step 4:
Press Enter. The bigger the files, the longer the processing takes. Wait until you see "C\:Users.." again. It means that drive will unhide all the folders in your drive.

Step 5:
Check your drive again. The folders are now retrieved together with the shortcut viruses. Remove unnecessary files, the shortcut files that are not supposed to be there. You might find autorun.inf or desktop.ini; simply delete them.

How to create a recovery media for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS installed on DU laptops

Delhi University has given Laptops to the 1st year students so that they may use it for their studies. These are having a pre-installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS operating system on it. This OS is far more different from Windows OS although both the OSes have a GUI (Graphical User Interface). If you want to install Windows OS, you can also do it. The Whole procedure is discussed in the link given right here.

With this Laptop no DVD/CD reader-writer is available. So here is discussed how to create a backup image of present Ubuntu OS to recover the Laptop to factory state by using pendrive. So it starts with creating a backup image (.ios file).

This is how your home screen look like.

Step 1:
Goto Dash Home and type Startup Disk Creator and open the application.

Step 2:
A dialog box will appear. Here click on OK.

Step 3:
It will ask you to choose a location to save the iso file. You can select any location. Let’s select Desktop and click choose.

Step 4:
It’s almost done. Wait for a while.

Step 5:
The backup file is created as HP_Recovery on the desktop.

Step 6:
Now create a Bootable USB Stick with this image (iso file). Now you can easily reinstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using this USB Sick if you installed any other OS on this laptop.

Related: How To Make Bootable USB Stick